New year…new you?
Making sweeping changes to your lifestyle based on pure motivation can be difficult to sustain. To implement sustainable and realistic changes takes discipline and consistency. These changes don’t produce instant results or results in 30 days, but set you up to actually follow through with the goals you have set for yourself. Anything worth working for in life takes patience and persistence and this is no different when it comes to nutrition, fitness, and health.
Making small changes each day leads to big results in the long term. You also have to give yourself grace and be gentle with these changes. You have possibly spent the last 20 years of your life eating and moving a certain way, so one would not expect to be able to change these patterns overnight without meeting some resistance.

Perfection does not exist. Don’t allow the pursuit of perfection to paralyze you from making a change. Progress over perfection. If nothing changes, nothing changes. Implementation of new habits can be difficult, and letting go of old habits can be even harder. Having a solid “why” is a great way to stay focused on your goal. Hold yourself accountable by sharing this with your spouse or friend. Having a solid support group can make a world of difference. Surround yourself with healthy, growth minded people and you will embrace the same characteristics.
Let 2024 be the year you focus on becoming your best self. Do the work, breathe in the fresh air, look at the sun, take the trip, go for an afternoon walk, do things that bring you joy, love yourself and others, eat nutritious foods, support your body with movement, make sleep a priority, ask the hard questions and truly listen with open ears and a grateful heart.
When you’re ready to make a change to your health and lifestyle, schedule a comprehensive wellness visit with our certified Physician Assistant, Laura Roper. Book now!